What happen to PC ???? kasto darlange bhako. Kalee kta was watching this ad of garnier which is promoted by Priyanka Chopra. I find something different about her nose. It looks so strange and weird . lets hope our dear PC doesn't end up like indian Micheal jackson Koena Mitra.
lol.........nose matra... i find her different in almost every public appearance... other celebs try something new with their outfit but she changes whole of her..... she is the one of the miss world i hate the most...... if miss world herself does the plastic surgery then what general public would think abt themselves
lol.........nose matra... i find her different in almost every public appearance... other celebs try something new with their outfit but she changes whole of her..... she is the one of the miss world i hate the most...... if miss world herself does the plastic surgery then what general public would think abt themselves